Monday, December 18, 2006

well, wtfe...

This blog has damn near died. I failed to finish up on my post about the prophecies and that's my fault. This blog is kinda out of sight, out of mind sometimes and I'm lazy to boot...

I do think we need to keep this thing going though, so let's try to make it our goal to keep our lovely headquarters alive and kickin.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I never have a problem having something to post. Plus, I carry my laptop from room to room, so it is not like I don't end up in the room with the computer enough-- and I'm married to Steve who reads my blog every day. If I don't blog, he gets grumpy.

Thank you so much for the geography lesson. I love love love learning new information---

I'm not logged in so it will say anonymous but you know who I am---

1/11/2007 11:53:00 AM  

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