Wednesday, November 16, 2005

What's next?

An article about some new CD's that sony is releasing. Pretty scary and retarded all at the same time.


Blogger Snuffaluff said...

This is what the folks at Microsoft think of it...

and how to get around it:
The interesting part is that evidently Microsoft doesn't care too much for Sony (& whoever else) to hack into their operating systems, so they are considering the Sony stuff to be viruses... the thread talks about their response to this problem. I think Microsoft will end up pounding Sony right into the ground on this particular battle.

In the meantime, if you want to play your LEGALLY-PURCHASED Sony CDs on your own computer, put the CD into a "regular" CD player, plug its analog audio output into the analog audio input on your computer sound card, copy the files onto your hard drive, and burn a new CD from there. All the (digital) spyware crap will be completely ignored by the regular CD player and you'll end up with just the audio tracks on your new CD... which you can now play safely on your computer.

11/17/2005 10:42:00 AM  

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