Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Personal Gripe!!

Ok, first I can't get internet at my house b/c I live in BFAubrey and now it's my car. The A/C went out like a month-two ago and I purchased a new compressor and dryer from a guy on the net, ya know, one of those car forums I frequent and have been a member of since I bought my car. Everything was smooth, fast transactions and shipping went well. So, I take my car into the shop this morning and guess what... the compressor/dryer are for an LS1 engine NOT an LT1 which I have. Thing doesn't fit so it's no good to me. I'm peeved right now. This dude better take these parts back and send me my money or I'm callin' all SBG to take a ride to Tulsa, Ok w/ me for a lil' Texas BBQ style beatin'


Blogger Snuffaluff said...

yeah, things have definatly been going the wrong direction for me lately, but that's ok. I figure the only thing left is for LouAnn to leave me, and I'm confident that's not going to happen. Hell, now that I said that, I'm sweatin'

9/30/2005 11:14:00 AM  

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