Car wreck and Fallen trees...
So, on May 24th at around 2:30pm I was involved in a four car pile up with me being second in line. The lady behind me hit me and pushed me into a Ford Ranger's trailer hitch, which punched a hole the size of your fist(a man's) and tore downward about 6". New front end... The rear end was damaged and the exhaust was almost dragging the ground at only about 1/4" off the pavement. I pulled in at the GM dealership and they rigged it up for me w/ a coat hanger so I could drive across town(home). I'm still dealing with the insurance companies of all four people and waiting for the one that counts to call me back today. The last guy in line is paying for all the damage. Bet he's glad it's a company car and insurance.
Then, a huge storm blows through and knocks down one of our Cottonwood Trees. This tree is about 60-70' tall and falls across our driveway. Noone's getting out until it's moved. Starting with the chainsaw at 11am, I finally moved the last of the tree out of the way at 7pm. Yes, it took that long. The tree basically had two main branches that were right in the middle of the drive and about 45-50' up the trunk before the split. My problem was that after I cut the two main branches I had a 50' tree truck laying there and it must weigh 4,000 lbs or better. And ofcourse the chainsaw went out on me at the end so I had to figure out how to move this huge tree. Out came the jacks and tractor. Needless to say, it was long day. I'll try to post some pictures of both the car and the tree(cut up) when I get the chance.
Hope all's well w/ everyone.
Then, a huge storm blows through and knocks down one of our Cottonwood Trees. This tree is about 60-70' tall and falls across our driveway. Noone's getting out until it's moved. Starting with the chainsaw at 11am, I finally moved the last of the tree out of the way at 7pm. Yes, it took that long. The tree basically had two main branches that were right in the middle of the drive and about 45-50' up the trunk before the split. My problem was that after I cut the two main branches I had a 50' tree truck laying there and it must weigh 4,000 lbs or better. And ofcourse the chainsaw went out on me at the end so I had to figure out how to move this huge tree. Out came the jacks and tractor. Needless to say, it was long day. I'll try to post some pictures of both the car and the tree(cut up) when I get the chance.
Hope all's well w/ everyone.
Pictures please.
LOL man that really sucks. see, there is no god. but on a lighter note,
you just got rick rolled. WP
omg. i cant believe you linked a rick astly video.
well, there are no pictures... sorry, they just didn't get taken. 1. I don't have a camera, and 2. I pretty much just went a took care of the problem before pics could be taken.
Anonymous... you suck.. hahaha
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